Thursday, June 14, 2012

My Lip Miracle!

   So when I hear the word Blistex I just think cold sore. I think big ugly out there exaggerated cold sore. However one wintery night this past year my loving boyfriend took pity on me, or got annoyed of me complaining non stop about my dry cracky lips, and went with me to the drug store to find a cure.
   I had used Burt's Bees and Physicians Formula and Avon, all other forms of fairly inexpensive chapsticks but none would put a dint in my cracked lips. I had never had lips that stayed this chapped for so long! After scanning the section for medicated lip products for a good while I settled on Blistex Medicated Ointment. Not a the chapstick but the ointment, and I have not once regretted the buy! 
   The same tube has lasted me a long time, it not only cured my dry cracked lips but made them soft and oh-so-supple!!! I followed a tip on the back to apply it at least 5 minutes before applying regular lip color and it does wonders! Lip color lays smoothly down when I use this as a base! 
   So if anyone else out there is having chapped lip woes but doesn't want to spend a bunch of money, I too was once in your shoes and recommend you give Blistex Medicated Ointment a try. : )

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